Hey there good people, long time no type! It has been a busy few weeks for me, and it pains me to admit but the blog is the first Sword & Shield outlet to suffer when life inevitably speeds up. So posts had been put on hold for a few weeks. Finally, though, I have found a bit of time to sit down and write what I have been up to and what I am thinking about doing in the near future with the YouTube channel and my commercial work.
The first thing you probably noticed from last week’s YouTube video is a change of setting. That is because just prior to preparing for that video I spent some time building two of these DIY IKEA desks for my wife and I. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown here in March I had my desktop set up at a table in our living room. That is where I would record a majority of the videos now available on the Sword & Shield YouTube channel up until last week when I was finally able to build the desks and assemble our new work-from-home friendly workspaces.

Of course there was some maintenance I needed to take care of around the house in the middle of this project. That’s how life often goes. The dogs needed their vet visits. The dishwasher broke. Things were getting busy around the house. Then I received a call from a colleague to go shoot some video for Bishop Arts District. I was a bit nervous about going out, but ultimately I decided to take him up on the opportunity and I am glad that I did.

It turned out to be a great day of shooting. My colleague’s name is Nobuyuki Ogata by the way ( or Nobu for short) and he does some amazing photography/videography work which you can find here. He already went out and shot some footage at an earlier date, so we were out with a purpose to fill in any B-roll gaps. Little did we know most of the action would come right to us. We got just about everything we needed after just over three and a half hours of shooting. A live jazz band, crowds on the streets, friendly shopkeepers, and most importantly people wearing masks and staying a safe distance from one another. We got some great material, I will be sure to share the finished product here on the blog when Nobu is finished editing it and Bishop Arts post it online. Hopefully this is just one of many such collaborations of ours to come!
As always, thanks for reading. Stay safe and keep on creating.